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Polong - Polong

101 Media | 8:23 AM | 0 comments

Image of Polong

Malaysian Vampire?
What Is A Polong:

According to Malaysian folklore, a Polong is a flying vampire of Malaysia who appears to be a small person. A Polong can be conjured by pronouncing incantations over a bottle full of a mudered man’s blood. It needs to be fed blood daily by its owner, usually by cutting a finger for a polong to suck.

Per legend, when ready, the Polong can be dispactched to kill your enemies by burrowing into them and causing fatal illness.

Ok first of all, I must say, the idea of having a vampire minion, very cool. Where do I get one? Sign me up. If only I know where I might come acorss the blood of a mudered man I just might try and summon one of these little guys up.

According to one source, the polong is accompanied by a familar called Pelesit. The Pelesit has a razor sharp tail it uses to burrow into a victim and then makes a sound when the hole is big enough, the Polong then enters the hole and causes the victim to be driven mad, usually the victim will rant and rave about cats when this happens.

The Polong is neither formerly human, nor a demon, but it is in fact created from the blood of a murdered man kept within a bottle. After several weeks of reciting incantations the Polong will emerge and must then by fed by a prick of blood from its masters finger. The Polong will obey its master and kill or drive insane its masters enemies.


Hizrie Kamaruddin: Hello. My name is Muhammad Hizrie Kamaruddin . I am a student in Mara Professional College Indera Mahkota . Taking English Communication as my diploma . This blog is solely to share information and history for Ghosts In Malay Culture .